
29 Mayıs 2015


Pic shows: The smog filled into an aeroplane. Images indicating that smog is so bad in China it is even being sucked into aeroplanes by the air-conditioning system have quickly gone viral. The pictures were taken by passengers on a domestic flight in the country who were quickly unsettled by the large amount of a smoky coloured cloud that filled the cabin. Passenger Mei Liao said: "It caught many people by surprise and it was certainly unsettling, but the cabin crew very professional and told people it was nothing to worry about. They said it was simply water vapour that was being sucked in from outside and was nothing to worry about. But it made the place look like a giant sauna." Many passengers on the flight coming out of Shenzhen International Airport in south China’s Guangdong Province took photos of the cabin that were taken shortly after takeoff and later posted them online. Many believed it to be smoke, a mixture of smoke pollution and fog, but the airline denied this. A spokesman confirmed that the phenomenon was simply caused by the aeroplane’s air conditioning system circulating the vapour into the cabin from outside, and they denied that it was anything to do with pollution or indeed a problem with the aeroplane. Shenzhen City was experiencing heavy rain that day, they said, causing high humidity in the air which in turn caused the cloud to fill the interior. (ends)

Çin’de kalkış için sıra bekleyen uçakta akıl almaz bir olay yaşandı. Shenzhen Havayolları’na ait yolcu uçağının klimasında yaşanan bir arıza sonucu uçağın içini bir sis bulutu kapladı.

Ntv’nin haberine göre; Görüş mesafesinin sıfıra indiği uçak kısa süre içinde tahliye edilirken, yolcular başka bir uçağa aktarıldı.

Şirketten yapılan açıklamaya göre, yoğun yağış havalandırma sistemindeki rutubet oranını olumsuz etkiledi ve kabinin içine buhar pompalanmasına yol açtı. Yetkililer söz konusu arızanın uçuş esnasında yaşanmamasının olası bir facianın önüne geçtiğini belirtti.




1+9 = ?